
How to boost the bass of a song
How to boost the bass of a song

how to boost the bass of a song

Listen to the long tail on the kick drum, does it feel powerful and well-rounded without dominating the track? Some headphones like Beats by Dre, boost the bass to give listeners some extra vibrations for aesthetic preference. This song has a big kick drum sound that hangs in the mix for a good moment. What to test: Low resonating bass frequencies

how to boost the bass of a song

(Read the Soundfly social community’s responses to what songs YOU chose to test headphones and speakers with in our roundup here.) 1. So I put together a playlist of songs that would help me quickly get a sense of how different speakers and headphones handle different dynamics. What I really needed more than anything, was to hear for myself how the speakers responded to a variety of sonic timbres and qualities, as references for the dynamic extremes in my own music. Since then, I’ve realized a lot of people have the same issue when picking out new speakers or headphones to use for mixing their music at home or in their studio. Beyond the marketing text written on the boxes, it seemed like they knew about as much as I did about each product. While I browsed the twelve or so different options, I realized that I had no idea what I was looking for, and that the staff people I spoke with were… less than helpful. The last time I went to buy some new studio monitors, I was lost. + Recording and mixing your songs at home? Grammy-winning artist Kimbra explores how to harness the full creative potential of your music in her new course!

How to boost the bass of a song