Exhaustive lists for the Hidden Grotto Pokémon encounters are listed in the Wild List document. Please note that you can only receive one of these four starters from the Harlequin! To get the remaining three, you will need to find them individually in the Hidden Grottos. PIPLUP Level 10 Water Available as Prinplup in left Route 13 Grotto. TREECKO Level 10 Grass Available as Grovyle in Lostlorn Forest Grotto.

SQUIRTLE Level 10 Water Available as Wartortle in Route 5 Grotto.ĬYNDAQUIL Level 10 Fire Available as Quilava in Route 6 Cave Grotto. The Pokémon he can give you are as follows… SPRING The left picture here shows the position of the house in which the Harlequin lies, and the right is where he is inside. As a result, it is just found ordinarily in the wild.

Note that Phione is not counted as a legendary for the purposes of this guide. The legendaries will generally be revealed after talking to a specific person or performing a certain action these are explored in detail on the next page. Their rules are mostly the same as Spirit Gold, as scripting to Sacred Gold & Storm Silver level is difficult currently due to the lack of scripting tool (at least as I write this). However, Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 have a little upgrade, and legendaries are now actually found on the map using their overworld sprites.

As for legendaries, having them available in the wild is an aesthetical crime, and back in Blaze Black and Volt White it was always quite an awkward thing - albeit necessary - to do. The locations of these Harlequins and what season gets you what is listed below. Which starter you can receive from the Harlequins depends on the season. You can pick up three basic forms from Harlequins, and then the rest must be captured in their middle forms in the Hidden Grottos. STARTER & LEGENDARY GUIDE Starters are found a bit different to other Pokémon.